Energy Manipulation 101
Powering Up
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Powering Up
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Seeing Ki
Ki Healing

Yes, I know powering up is a Dragonball Z thing, but it can be done in real life, but there's more to it than screaming at the top of your lungs, so if you ever tried it before and falied before knowing of ki, you'll learn how to do it here.

Method 1:
This technique will raise your agility, speed, and strength, as well as make your ki flow more easily and smoothly. To start out, get into any stance you are comfortable with. Now, start drawing in ki with deep breaths through your nose and visualizing it entering your body. When you feel you have a sufficient amount of energy, visualize it flowing inside of your body, ready to explode. Then, visualize it moving, creating a glow around you, and then exploding outside of your body, surrounding you in flames. Make these flames of ki surround you and keep them moving from inside you to outside of you, and then back in, in a cycle. If you merely explode the energy outside of you and forget about it, then it's not going to do you any good - it will just waste energy. When you're doing that, you can tense your muscles if you want, or you can remain completely relaxed. It doens't make a difference, but whatever way works easiest for you is best. Just think and concentrate on the fact that it is powering you up. Use your ishi (your will power) to make it happen. If you do this right, you may feel a little warm/tingly/electric sensation around your whole body. This power up also helps prevents burn outs, and since it makes your ki flow more easily, it makes it much easier to perform the ki ball technique, when first starting out. Here's a nice little pic from DBZ for inspiration and visualization:

Limit Break(name taken from Final Fantasy for lack of a better name):
It's best if you pre-meditate before beginning the excercise. About 15-20 minutes of meditation should do it. While meditating, focus on many incidents of a certain reaction. Remember how they made you feel. Feel the rage/love/happiness building up inside of you Visualize a door in your mind, chained shut, and locked.

Step 1: Stand in a controlled enviornment (maybe a room, or a porch, where there isn't a lot of distractions).

Step 2: Visualize the door. There is something pounding on the other side. Do your best to try and block it.

Step 3: The beast behind the door wants out, and by trying to block it, you've only fueled it more. Try to stay calm as the door is being pounded (you'll need every ounce of control you can get).

Step 4: As the beast finally breaks through the door, all your thoughts, and emotions have poured out. Let it flow through you. Feel your power grow more and more.

Step 5: As your thoughts enrage you, and make you stronger, create a ki flame around your whole body. Let the emotions fuel you, as your power grows.
Flow Powerup:

The point of this tech is to have your ki move faster and easier.
So the way is: 1.sit down to meditation pose
2. Close your eyes (if you have, close your 3rd eye too)
3. Try to feel the air's energy around you and try to make it meet with your energy.
4. Visualise a river created from this energy fusion.
5. Don't try to think about anything, don't think about Ki, don't think about the energy river, just feel it when it surrounds you.

Kaioken(again, lack of better name, and it sounds cool):
This tech is trigger'd by anger and by anger alone .

When you are so furiously angry and you cant control yourself, take all that anger all that pain you are feeling  and do whatever it takes just force it into your Kae-dem . When its all there  drop to your knees and see it literally exploding all inside your mind body. See within your mind as the chain reaction of explosions go about you,your muscles getting bigger and stretching out . You need to visualize them a least getting 1 quater thicker then what they already around . When the explosion is done going through you, you should have like triple the stregnth you did befor . Now the longer you hold this state the more ALOT more will it hurt when you let it go . If you dont let it go within time you will pass out and noone

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