Energy Manipulation 101

Glossary of Basic Terms

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The Lowdown on Ki
Glossary of Basic Terms
Ki Control
Ki Excercises
Drawing In Ki/Energy
Ki Balls
Powering Up
Sensing Ki
Ki Projection/Blasting
Seeing Ki
Ki Healing

Aerokinesis: Psychic manipulation of the element Air, both the energies of air and of physical substance.
Ascension: Also incorrectly called "Ascendation." Ascension is when you break through your absolute power limit (either permanently or temporarily) and your base power level is now that higher level. Imagine that training is like running up the stairs on floor 1. When you ascend you are then running up the stairs on floor 2, so even if you're at the very bottom of the stairs you are still higher than someone at the top of the stairs on floor 1.
Atmokinesis: Psychic manipulation of the forces of weather.
Aura: A field of loose energy constantly surrounding all living beings. It's size, shape, and color are directly influenced by the nature and demeanor of the being it surrounds.
Ball: A generic sphere, though when used in this site it usually refers to a sphere between the size of a softball and a basketball unless otherwise stated.
Beam: A solid stream of Ki like in nature to a pole.
Biokinesis: Psychic manipulation of the forces of Life, almost universally on the molecular level.
Blast: A short burst of energy used to launch a ball of energy without the continuous stream found in Beam attacks.
Burnout: A state in which the body has been worn down by over exertion and needs to rest and replenish it's energy supply.
Chronokinesis: Psychic manipulation of time.

Cryokinesis: Psychic slowing of molecules in order to lower temperature, as well as manipulation of ice.
Disk: A mostly flat, round shape. Most disks are similar in shape to a frizbee toy.
Electrokinesis: Psychic manipulation and generation of electricity.
Geokinesis: Psychic manipulation of the ground and the elemental force of Earth.
Healing: Any force which cures illness, reduces pain, treats symptoms, or fixes physical damage.
Hydrokinesis: Psychic manipulation of water and it's elemental energies.
Jing: "Compressed" or "Condensed" Ki made by removing all parts of Ki except for the parts used in attacks. You may wish to read our article on Jing, which you can find here.
Ki: The vital energy which keeps us all alive. It has many uses, the main focus of which on this site is combative. Ki is also sometimes referred to as Chi, Qi, and Qui. It is also sometimes referred to as "Prana," but that refers specifically to Ki in relation to breathing.
Ki Flame: A technique which flares out the aura and gets your Ki moving faster and making it easier to use.
Limit Break: A temporary boost in energy in which you push past your current energy limit.
Magic: Manipulation of energies for uses such as offerings, summonings, invocations, evocations, and banishing.
Magick: An alternative spelling referring specifically to the Hermetic style of magic, though the Chaotic branch of magic is also sometimes given this alternative spelling.
Mana: The free-flowing energy all around us. It is found in the largest quantities in nature.
Photokinesis: Psychic manipulation of light, and by proxy, shadow.
Psi: A mental energy. If Ki is to be equated with the blood flow of a human, Psi is to be equated with the nervous system and brain.
Pyrokinesis: Psychic speeding up of molecules in order to raise temperature, as well as manipulation of fire.
Shen: A supersaturated energy made up of the combination of heavenly energy and hellish energy. Shen is described in more detail here.
Shield: A barrier between two things. Most shields can, through the use of Psi, be programmed to reflect, deflect, or even filter energies.
Tan Tien: The main (but not only) storing space for Ki within the human body. All Ki flows in and out of this center, also making it somewhat akin to the heart. The Tan Tien is around two inches below your belly button, but several inches inside of you placing it at the center of your body.
Tech: A shortened form of the word "Technique." On other sites you may see it improperly written as "Teq."
Telekinesis: Psychic manipulation of anything, usually referring to a physical object. Telekinesis is Greek in origin and translates to "moving from afar."
Visualization: The creation of images in your head with such force and strength of will that they begin to exit on the energetic level

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