These are 2 meditation methods I recommend. When you've mastered these, you can
make your own methods. That's the best way to better yourself; by you own creativity.
Aura Meditation... Aura meditation develops your awareness of energy. As you
progress, you can gain deeper self-awareness, release major personal blocks, and connect with higher spiritual dimensions.
Aura meditation works with tools such as centering, grounding, the aura, chakras, energy channels, emotions and many more.
It ideally compliments energy-based spiritual healing and psychic reading.
Grounding Grounding is the energy connection between your body and the center of the planet. You can release any unwanted
or excess energies down your grounding. Grounding also helps you to be present as spirit in body. It is useful to be aware
of the connection and downward flow of your grounding.
Centering Centering is being present and aware from the center of your head. Centering allows you to be aware of yourself
and others with non-judgement and neutrality. When you are in the center of your head, you can respond to life and make choices,
rather than react. From the center of your head, you can also know your own answers.
Aura Your aura is the electromagnetic field of energy surrounding your body. Your aura forms
your personal energy space. It is useful to clearly define the boundaries of your aura, while allowing your energy flow. What
you have in your aura is what you see out through, what you are seen through, what you experience as your reality, and what
you attract to you... __________________
Preparing the Space, Preparing Yourself... Find a quiet, comfortable place for yourself--where you
will not be disturbed. Create a relaxing atmosphere. You may want to light a candle, light incense, or play some quiet, soothing
music in the background. Begin to relax in general. Take some deep breaths and perhaps do some light stretching. Sit upright
in a comfortable position with an open posture.
Notice how you experience yourself before doing the aura meditation
exercise. Then close your eyes and focus your attention inward...
Aura Meditation... Create a cord of energy between your hips and the center of the planet. (If you like, you can place your hands
on your hips for a while--to increase the sensation of grounding.) Let your grounding cord have a steady downward flow...
Use your grounding to release any excess energy out of your system. You can also release any unwanted energies down your grounding,
all the way down to the center of the earth. Keep breathing naturally, releasing down your grounding cord...Notice what that's
Now notice where the very center of your head would be. Then BE in the center of your head...let your
point of consciousness originate in the center of your head. Be aware of yourself from the center of your head. Create a quiet,
comfortable place for yourself in the center of your head. (If you're thinking a lot, you're too far forward--move back into
the center of your head where it's quieter.) Say "hello" to yourself from the center of your head. Let yourself receive an
internal "hello" to Self...Notice what that's like...
Begin to open up your awareness of the field of energy around
your physical body. Notice if your energy is close in tight around your body, or spread out far away from your body. Begin
to draw your aura about an arm's length around your body...Draw your aura an arm's length in front, at the back, left and
right sides, above your head and below your feet. Wrap yourself in your own energy an arm's length all the way around you...Notice
what that's like...
Be right in the center of your head. Be aware of yourself as a spiritual being, made of energy.
Validate yourself as spirit...say "hello" to Self. Be aware of your aura an arm's length all the way around your body. Your
aura is your personal space--define it, own it, enjoy it. Have your grounding cord off your hips, flowing down to the center
of the planet. Keep releasing any excess or unwanted energies down to the center of the earth...Notice what it's like to be
centering, grounding and validating your aura...
When you feel ready, take a few deep breaths, gently open your eyes,
and slowly begin to move. Notice how you experience yourself after doing the aura meditation exercise. Give yourself some
time to integrate this experience and enjoy being relaxed before moving on to other activities. (EspeAIClly after you first
start practicing this meditation--you may want to journal, have a cup of tea, or go for a quiet walk.)
It is useful
to practice this basic aura meditation on a daily basis. Your awareness of energy can build on this foundation of grounding,
centering and the aura.
To meditate, sit on a chair or on the floor. If you sit in a chair, put your feet flat on the floor. If you sit on the
floor, cross your legs so your right calf is above you left calf. In other words, sit down and cross your legs. Most people
call this "Indian Style." Now put your right foot above your let knee. This is how you should sit. Now, make sure you back
is straight, do not be hunched over. It helps now if you are listening to calm music, but it must be quiet. Burning some incense
helps me a lot, so try that. You can close your eyes if you want, it makes it easier. Next, try to clear your mind and relax
every muscle in your body, starting with your feet. Work your way up to your head and then just relax for a few seconds. Inhale
long breaths through your nose and exhale long breaths out your mouth. Count from 10 to 0 in your mind, then 9 to 0, then
8 to 0, and so on until your at just 0. Every time you get to 0, say "calm and relaxed" in your mind. Now, you should be fully
relaxed and thinking of nothing. Congratulations! You are now meditating. To awake from this meditation, simply count from
0 to 1, 0 to 2, 0 to 3, and so on until 10. Each time you get to the highest number, such as counting 0 to 5, when you get
to 5, say "awaking more and more" in your mind. You will end up fully awake and you should feel great. Now open your eyes
if you had closed them.