Propping Up the Sky with Fingers Interlocked: Stand at attention with heels together of feet seperated slightly,
with toes on floor and arches lifted. Arms hang naturally at your side. Place tip of your tongue lightly against roof of the
mouth and breathe through your nose. Look straight ahead and relax all joints Maitain this stance for several minutes. Then
raise your arms slowly and interlock your fingers above your head, palms turned up as if propping up the sky; raise heels
at the same time. Now return to your starting position. Repeat these movements many times.
Drawing the Bow on Both Sides: Stand at attention comfortably. Now take a step to the side with the left foot
and bend both legs. This is the "on horseback form." Cross arms at chest level, right arm on the outside. Extend left arm
to the left with forefinger pointing upward, thumb stretched back, and other fingers bent. Turn head to the left and look
at left forefinger. At the same time make a fist with the right hand and extend it to the right shoulder level with arm bent
as if you were drawing a bow. Now return to starting position. Next do this again, reversing the sides. Then return to starting
position. Repeat this several times.
Raising One Arm: Stand at attention with heels together or feet shoulder width apart, arms hanging naturally at
both sides. Now raise right hand above your head with palm up and fingers together pointing to the left. At the same time
press left hand downward with palms facing the floor and fingers pointing foward. Hold for a few seconds and return to starting
position. Now do it again, reversing the sides. Then return to starting position once more. Repeat this many times.
Respiration with Fists Clenched: Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Clench both fists with the knuckles facing
foward and the tips of both tumbs pressed lightly against the thighs. Use gentle amdominal respiration. When inhaling again,
keep the fists clenched and when exhaling, clench the fists more tightly than before. Repeat these movements several times.
Open and Closed Respiration: Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Place the palms together
in front of the chest across the lower part of the breastplate with the fingers pointed upward and the tips of the thumbs
pressed against the chest. Only the thunb should be bent. When inhaling, keep the elbows at the level they are at when they
hang to your sides and draw the palms slowly apart, with the thumbs pressed lightly against the chest until they come to the
sides of the armpits. Meanwhile the whole body vibrates intensely. When exhaling, the palms move slowly back to the starting
position. The movements should be coordinated with the breathing, which should be slow, relaxed, and even. Repeat these movements
many times.
Those are just a few of the many exercises available for ki and energy manipulation. There is no fast way to learn
or preform ki techniques. It takes time and patience. If your don't have either of these, don't bother attempting ki at all