Energy Manipulation 101
Drawing In Ki/Energy
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A routine of drawing in energy and letting out used up energy is beneficial to energy training. Here are a few basic methods of drawing in energy.

Ki Breathing: This is a simple technique that will replenish lost ki, and get rid of negative, used up energy. To start out, get into a comfortable position. Start taking deep breaths - in through the nose, out through the mouth. Picture your body as an empty shell, and when you breathe in, visualize fresh ki flowing through the air, into your nose, and into your body, filling it up. Picture your dan tien glowing brighter and brighter. When you breathe out, visualize the negative, used up energy (I picture it as black) leaving through your mouth. When you feel that your body is filled with fresh new energy, you are done
Grounding: Grounding is a technique just like Ki breathing, only it's done differently and Ki breathing is a little bit better to do. To start out, get in a comfortable standing position. Now, visulaize roots shooting out of your feet and burrowing into the ground, where they tap into the earth's energy supply and start absorbing energy. Picture the roots sucking in energy given by the earth, and taking the energy up, through your legs, and into your body and being stored in your dan tien. Breathe deeply, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your breathe in, visualize fresh energy intering your body through the roots, and when you breathe out, visualize the used up energy leaving through your mouth. When you feel your energy is full and replenished, you are done.
Sun Absorbing:
First, try to do this on a sunny day.
Next, it is best if the skin is exposed to the sun, but not totally necessary.
You must visualize and use your willpower to absorb the sun's rays and make them your own energy.
Try it this way:
Stand shoulder width apart and put your arms straight out to your sides, palms facing upward. Close your eyes and look up at the sun(not necessary). Visualize your palms gathering ki from the sun's rays hitting your body. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth slowly. Keep doing this for about 5 minutes

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