Tech 1:
Step 1 - Put your dominant hand (if possible) over the painful area.
Step 2 -
Visualize the wounded area surrounded with and filled with a red-colored energy, and you can picture the healing energy as
a cool blue color.
Step 3 - Move your ki into your dominant hand.
Step 4 - Send
the ki out of your hand in either a beam or a shower-like projection, completely covering the wounded area with your healing
energy. Do this slowly.
Step 5 - Once the entire red area is covered in blue, make the energy wash away
slowly, revealing the once-wounded area as healed.
You cannot do this entire technique on visualization. You
must use your mind to make your ki heal, you should feel the sensations as it is happening.
Tech 2:
Start by seeing the area that is painful, and visualize the painful spot as black or a dark color. Now, move one of your
hands over the painful area, and use your mind to make your palm chakra open, and release ki from your hand into the painful
spot. Do this slowly, and as this is being done, visualize the blackness in the painful spot being washed away by the ki,
as if you were pouring water over it and were washing off dirt.